No story mode and cutscenes in the next Smash Bros.

No story mode and cutscenes in the next Smash Bros.

Super Smash Bros. creator Masahiro Sakurai revealed new details about the upcoming Smash Bros. game in his bi-weekly column in Weekly Famitsu.

One major detail, he said, was the exclusion of a story mode and cutscenes. His reasons for this decision are because of the internet. No, I’m not kidding. It’s actually because of you, internet.

“Unfortunately, the movie scenes we worked hard to create were uploaded onto the internet.” Sakurai lamented. “You can only truly wow a player the first time he sees [a cutscene]. I felt if players saw the cutscenes outside of the game, they would no longer serve as rewards for playing the game, so I’ve decided against having them.”

So there you have it. It’s all your fault, internet. Shame on you!

[alert type=”blue”]Source: Famitsu[/alert]

Just a guy that is friendly and loves his video games to death. :3

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