Ryu & Roy Leaked In Smash Bros.

Evidence suggest that Ryu and Ryo are coming in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U!

Ryu & Roy Leaked In Smash Bros.

Rumors of Street Fighter‘s Ryu and Fire Emblem‘s Roy to make an appearance in Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo 3DS and Wii U surfaced for quite awhile on the internet..

It looks like the rumors are true with videos and images that Ryu and Roy are coming in Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo 3DS and Wii U.


Roy Smash Confirmed
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U / 3DS - Ryu, Roy and Lucas. Announcer, Chants and Kirby copy sounds






Evidence of Ryu and Roy were found in a Smash Bros. patch (ver. 1.0.8) in the Japanese version. The videos were discovered and posted to the public by Unseen64‘s Liam Robertson, as the videos were unlisted. Additional videos by Random Talking Bush includes themes of Ryu and Ken, along with some voice clips of Kyle Hebert as Ryu. Among Ryu and Roy, there’s also data of a Splatoon trophy, new stages like Kirby’s Dream Land 64 and more! The source for these images are also from Random Talking Bush’s Twitter account.


Whatever you believe these videos and images, we can all say that Sakurai’s biggest announcements in tomorrow’s special Super Smash Bros. presentation has been spoiled.

Just a guy that is friendly and loves his video games to death. :3

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