Bethesda’s E3 2015 Press Conference Recap

Here's our recap of Bethesda's E3 2015 Press Conference with announcements like Doom and Fallout 4.

Bethesda held one impressive press conference that gave fans what they wanted with some big news on the new Doom and Fallout 4. There was also some huge announcements like Dishonored 2 and two new games on the Elder Scrolls and Fallout franchises for PC and mobile.

Doom (2015)

DOOM - E3 2015 Gameplay Trailer
DOOM: Bethesda E3 Showcase Gameplay Reveal

Developed by id software, the studio that pioneered the first-person shooter genre and online multiplayer, the new Doom returns to it’s brutally challenging roots with a modern-day twist to the formula.

Along with Doom‘s relentless campaign that stays true to the original, multiplayer will come back in classic and all-new game modes that will allow you to play as a demon. Also a powerful easy-to-use level editor called Doom SnapMap is here to allow limitless gameplay possibilities as it’s cross platform.

Doom will be coming in Spring 2016 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.


Dishonored 2 and Dishonored Definitive Edition 

Dishonored 2 -- Official E3 2015 Announce Trailer
Dishonored 2 - Bethesda Showcase Announcement

Dishonored 2, the follow-up to 2012’s Dishonored, was announced for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC with an expected early 2016 release.

Also announced was a remastered version of the original Dishonored called Dishonored: Definitive Edition for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC in August 2015.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited

The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - Bethesda E3 Showcase Trailer

The Elder Scrolls: Legends

The Elder Scrolls: Legends - E3 2015 Teaser Trailer

A free-to-play strategy card game that looks to compete with Blizzard’s Hearthstone, The Elder Scrolls: Legends will be available in fall 2015 on mobile and PC.

Fallout 4

The eagerly-awaited Fallout 4 dropped a massive nuke of information with a worldwide release date on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

Also announced was a premium collector’s edition titled the Pip-Boy Edition, that includes a life-sized Pip-Boy Replica to accommodate a variety of smartphone devices. It can be use to fully replicate a Pip-Boy in real life with the official Pip-Boy companion app for mobile devices.

Fallout Shelter

Fallout Shelter - Announcement Trailer

In celebration of the Fallout universe, players can now experience being the Overseer, as you control and maintain your very own underground vault in Fallout Shelter.

Fallout Shelter will require iOS users to have iOS 7 or later and is compatible with iPhone 5 or later, iPad Mini 2 or later, iPad 3 or later and is optimized for iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and iPad Air 2. More information on an Android version of Fallout Shelter will be given at a later date.


Just a guy that is friendly and loves his video games to death. :3

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