Fez II canceled and the outbreak of Phil Fish

Fez II canceled and the outbreak of Phil Fish

Polytron, the studio behind the indie hit Fez, announced on Twitter that it has cancelled the development of Fez II.

In related news to the tragedy of Fez II getting cancelled, it’s creator Phil Fish has had yet another temper tantrum today in twitter through a heated argument between Internet personality Marcus Beer of Annoyed Gamer who sharply criticized him in a recent episode of GameTrailers’ Invisible Walls. Beer went all out towards Phil Fish and even Jonathan Blow for unwillingly not giving their thoughts and opinions on Microsoft’s decision for indies to self-publish now on the Xbox One for GameInformer. Phil Fish from seeing the episode went on a full temper tantrum on Twitter against Beer demanding him to have an on-camera apology and explains that the reason he gave no comment on indie publishing on Xbox One was because he was “waiting for actual info to drop before commenting.”. As the heated argument progressed, Fish had delightful remarks like ”compare your life to mine and then kill yourself.” to ”I don’t think you realize how much this shit hurts. What did I ever do to you?” towards Beer. Beer’s response towards the remarks were ”Wow. @PHIL_FISH told me to go kill myself. Achievement Unlocked?” to ”Thanks for telling me to go kill myself. I will be at PAX if you want to talk on cam?”. Phil Fish’s Twitter account has since been set to protected status, locking out any who weren’t previously following him.

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So thoughts on this matter. Well I can say that seeing two grown men fighting each other on Twitter for something so trivial was an hilarious treat to see until Fish had to go with the kill yourself line. Seriously Phil, me and the staff at Stagger’d loved your game Fez so much we even put it on the top games of 2012 list despite the bs remarks you had. We really hope you straighten up your life after the countless amount of temper tantrums we all been tired of seeing you doing. It’s clear that you are emotionally unstable in some way from how you threaten Marcus Beer’s life on a social networking site like Twitter. Straighten up or GTFO simple as that if you can’t deal with the game industry treating you ”badly”. Good riddance if you going to leave gaming for something trivial.

Phil Fish

Phil Fish

Just a guy that is friendly and loves his video games to death. :3

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