Remember the news about the Games with Gold program ending before the Xbox One launch?
Well, it looks like the Games with Gold program will be extended indefinitely as an ongoing benefit for Xbox Live on the Xbox 360.
From blockbuster triple A titles to Xbox Live Arcade games, Games with Gold has since offered a diverse mix of games with 2 free Xbox 360 games a month. The program kicked off on June with Fable 3 and has since offered games like Assassin’s Creed 2, Crackdown, Dead Rising 2, Rainbow Six: Vegas, and more.
As of right now, you can download Halo 3 for the Xbox 360 if your an Xbox Gold member through the last remaining days of October.
Halo 3 is one of the titles available through Games with Gold program for Xbox Live on the Xbox 360.
Microsoft has not confirmed if Games with Gold will be extend for the upcoming Xbox One console.
Stay tuned for more details on the Games with Gold program in the coming weeks when we announce what games are going be in the service.
Official information about the program can be found on