PlayStation 4 news, reviews, videos and more!

NieR: Automanta – Reveal Paris Games Week Trailer

First-look at NieR: Automata’s gameplay at Paris Games Week.

PlayStation Plus Free Game Lineup for October 2015

Here are the PlayStation Plus offerings for PS4, PS3, and PlayStation Vita in the month of October.

Metal Gear Online TGS Trailer

Konami showed off tons of footage on Metal Gear Online, MGSV's online mode at this year's Tokyo Game Show.

Persona 5 TGS 2015 Trailer – Delayed To Summer 2016

Atlus showed off more footage of Persona 5 and also announced that it's getting delayed for a summer 2016 release.

Umbrella Corps Announcement For PS4 & PC

Capcom announced a third-person shooter set in the Resident Evil universe titled is slated for a early 2016.

Deadpool Re-Release For PS4 & Xbox one

Activision's Deadpool is getting a re-release on current gen consoles this year.

Street Fighter V Collector’s Edition Announcement

Capcom announced some Street Fighter V pre-order costumes and collector’s edition for North American fans.

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