As we get closer to next Friday, ultimately known to fellow amiibo hunters as amiibogeddon, more and more news continues to slowly drip and leak telling us (almost) everything we need to know to be prepared. Retailers are giving out statements, and most info is being let out via ad leaks and managers from forums such as 4chan.
So, let’s start with what everyone wants to know most of all, the exclusives.
Ness is the main character of the cult classic Super Nintendo Entertainment System Role Playing Adventure EarthBound, the most popular and successful game in the MOTHER franchise.
It’s pretty evident Ness will be impossible to get if you didn’t get a preorder, so if you missed out on that then move onto the next two priorities: Greninja and Jigglypuff. Now, from what we’ve been hearing, Jigglypuff will follow suite from Rosalina, where there were small amounts of preorders online and very large quantities available in-store. And, fortunately, for those amiibo collectors who like to do the open-one,keep-one-sealed business, it has been leaked from Target’s ad that stores will limit Jiggs to 2 per person.
This doesn’t mean every store will do this, for two is the maximum amount a store can sell per person. The manager of your store can very well wish to do one per person instead.
Jigglypuff is a fictional creature in the Pokémon media franchise, originally a Normal-typed Pokémon until Generation VI saw fit to give Jigglypuff and the rest of the members of its evolution line a Fairy sub-typing.
With Greninja not much is really known, if you managed to snag a preorder then you’re pretty much set. Unfortunately, getting a preorder ticket was hard, and I doubt many people were up at 3 A.M. the night he went up online. Finding him at a Toys R Us without a preorder will most likely be pretty difficult based on previous experience with Lucario. So really just go early and hope for the best.
Greninja made its debut as the Water Starter Pokémon in Pokemon X/Y. It is a Water/Dark-type Pokémon and the final evolved form of Froakie.
It’s been confirmed that Silver Mario will also be releasing with the Smash Bros. Wave 4 amiibo and Splatoon amiibo and game on Friday, May 29 and will not be a store exclusive unlike the Gold Mario amiibo released with Mario Part 10. Also, more Marth amiibo are said to return the 29th in some stores like Toys R Us. Unfortunately Friday is a work day, so I’ll be at school. I’m not sure how I’ll be able to get these but I’m really crossing my fingers for a Lucina, Greninja and Jiggs. Silver Mario is also said to be pretty common, so hopefully I can snag one of those too. All I have preordered so far are Ness, Charizard and Pac-Man. How about you guys? Be sure to comment and let us know what you have preordered, what your plans are for the 29th, and what amiibo you would like from this wave!
I would like to assume that it is not only the safest, but the most commonly thought of, that most people will go to Target. I will camp probably 3 hours upon the store’s opening time. Then, make a trip to Best Buy to pick up Splatoon since I do not care for the pre-order bonuses offered by Game Stop and Target. I get a pretty nice discount at Best Buy anyways.
Mark Kim
Luckily I have all of Wave 4 preordered except Jiggs so I’m going to be camping out for her.
David Junco
Lucky! How did you get Lucina and Robin?! I forgot to mention how impossible they were!
Mark Kim
Was first in line at GS for the bundle, got some from Walmart/Amazon/TRU. So basically me getting 2-4 hours of sleep everyday when I suspected preorders would go up.
Joseph Guzman
I honestly would like Wario and Pac-Man but knowing the state of Amiibo hunting, getting Pac-Man would be annoying to get. Wario would likely be common since he’s a Mario character and non of the other Mario characters in Amiibo form are that rare. Who knows, I somehow got Little Mac and Captain Falcon when people were having problems getting them when they released.