EA’s E3 2015 Press Conference Recap

Here's our recap of EA's E3 2015 Press Conference with announcements like Mass Effect: Andromeda and Star Wars Battlefront.

EA Press Conference - E3 2015

Here’s a short chronological video-oriented article recapping announcements made in EA’s press conference.

Mass Effect Andromeda

MASS EFFECTu2122: ANDROMEDA Official E3 2015 Announce Trailer

Need for Speed

Need for Speed Official E3 Trailer PC, PS4, Xbox One
Need for Speed Gameplay Demo u2013 E3 2015 - HD

STAR WARS: The Old Republic – Knights of the Fallen Empire

STAR WARS: The Old Republic u2013 Knights of the Fallen Empire u2013 u201cSacrificeu201d Trailer

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes for mobile platforms



UNRAVEL Official Gameplay Debut E3 2015 HD


NBA LIVE 16| Official E3 First Look Trailer | PS4, Xbox One

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Announce Trailer | E3 2015


FIFA 16 Official E3 Gameplay Trailer - PS4, Xbox One, PC

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst

Official Mirroru2019s Edge Catalyst Announcement Trailer | E3 2015

Star Wars Battlefront

Star Wars Battlefront: Multiplayer Gameplay | E3 2015 u201cWalker Assaultu201d on Hoth
Star Wars Battlefront: Co-Op Missions Gameplay Reveal | E3 2015 u201cSurvival Modeu201d on Tatooine
Just a guy that is friendly and loves his video games to death. :3

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