Best Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Moments from E3 Shimbo June 10, 2013 Comments Closed 299 views PS3, PS4, Windows, Xbox One ARVE Error: The [[arve]] shortcode needs one of this attributes av1mp4, mp4, m4v, webm, ogv, url Compiled gameplay from the best takes of the live E3 “Siege of Shanghai” multiplayer demo. Battlefield Battlefield 4 BF4 demo DICE Digital Illusions DLC download E3 EA EA Digital Illusions CE Electronic Arts first-person shooter fps gameplay multiplayer optical disc Shanghai Siege Siege of Shanghai single player Shimbo is somewhat of a cool guy, or so they say. I like to eat and hang out with friends. I love playing video games and watching movies. Don't let that fool you, I am not a couch potato! I do exercise and play sports. Wasabi! Related Items PlayStation 4 Hardware Revealed June 10, 2013 Update on Xbox One June 19, 2013 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare DLC First on Xbox One June 9, 2014 SoulCalibur: Lost Swords Ivy Trailer January 24, 2014