Julie Larson-Green as new Xbox boss at Microsoft

Julie Larson-Green as new Xbox boss at Microsoft

Julie Larson-Green will be replacing Don Mattrick‘s position as she is overseeing the entirety of the company’s hardware development and supply. She will be heading up all entertainment, including games, music and video for the company.

Microsoft also announced that the Xbox One team will become a part of the newly formed Devices and Studios Engineering Group with Julie being the head of this new division. Thoughts on this?

Just a guy that is friendly and loves his video games to death. :3


  1. Thoughts on this? Yeah, she’s hot! 😀

    • …………

      • Never mind, I did a Google image search. Anyway, I do not care about the Xbox One. At all. They had a chance and the f*cked it up. Am I not going to play Xbox One games? That’s less likely but I am also not going to buy them so I will rely exclusively on publishers to send me review codes. Am I going to buy the system? Probably not. Hopefully a kind soul will hook me up with that as well.

    • She looks pretty, at least in this photo anyway.

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