In the Bible, there were eight sons of Jesse. Two of these sons were Eliab and David. Eliab was the eldest brother, and the most physically superior. David was the younger, and the most physically inferior. However, God allowed David to become king, leaving Eliab bitter.
Ladies and gentlemen, David vs. Goliath!
In the original Metal Gear Solid, Liquid states that their mother (EVA) was impregnated with eight fetal cells, but that six were aborted to insure the strength of the two left. That refers to the eight sons of Big Boss. Liquid is bitter toward Solid because he gained the favor of Big Boss and the Patriots, despite being the inferior clone. Symbolizing David becoming king, and leaving Eliab bitter. This also puts into context the short description that we see in the Metal Gear Solid V E3 2013 trailer, “A youth who curses his fate”.
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David is Solid’s real name. Eli in Metal Gear Solid V is most definitely Liquid. To expand upon this theory, the entire concept of Solid Snake going up against a massive weapon like Metal Gear with nothing more than a few anti-tank missiles and winning could be a reference to the Biblical story of David and Goliath in and of itself. If you need further explanation as to how the two have similarities, you may need to consult a professional for assistance. Of course, these theories only applies to the whole Solid Snake VS Liquid Snake rivalry present in Metal Gear.
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Cool, except Liquid always thought he had the less dominant genes and thought to the bitter end that Solid, or David, had the superior genes even though you the player and Ocelot knew Liquid was indeed the one with the dominant genes.
That only serves to help this theory.