Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Collection release date

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Collection release date

Konami has announce a release date for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Collection.

The bundle will includes the original Lords of Shadow alongside the Reverie and Resurrection DLC, a remake to the 3DS Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate in HD, and a demo to Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2.

PS3 version of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Collection

Xbox 360 version of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Collection

The release date for the collection is confirmed to be in November 8 for the UK in only £29.99. A release date for the US has not been detailed for it yet.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Collection will be on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

Excited from this news? Are you gonna get the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Collection?
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Just a guy that is friendly and loves his video games to death. :3

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