Here's everything fans of Splatoon should know for the upcoming huge August update.
The girl from the ocean is coming to Splatoon as a costume in Japan.
Nintendo announced a buttload of news regarding Splatoon in a new Nintendo Direct.
A brand new trailer for the upcoming Mad Max game is here to show off it's features.
The Last of Us Remastered audio showcase.
The Last of Us Remastered is available now.
The masters of the action genre Platinum Games is creating a downloadable Legend of Korra game.
Four new multiplayer maps, eight new survival skills, four new weapons, and the new single player Grounded Mode difficulty arrive May 6 for ...[Read More]
A music video showcasing memorable moments from The Last of Us.
Details of games being free in December for Xbox 360 in the Games with Gold program.
Nintendo 3DS’ Ironfall impressive tech demonstration trailer.
Mad Max's gameplay trailer has been revealed!