Hands-on with Metrico, Digital Dreams’ input-morphing, mind-bending puzzle platformer on PS Vita.
Metrico is a PlayStation Vita exclusive puzzle platformer where the game world is made out of infographics representing statistics about the player’s current gameplay session.
Metrico is a puzzle platformer developed by Digital Dreams for the PlayStation Vita. The game has a unique art style based around infographics, and in-game objects represent actual real-time statistics about the player’s current gameplay session. Thus, the player will often be need to manipulate the statistics in order to overcome obstacles and be able to progress, for example dying multiple times in order to extend a bar graph representing number of deaths.
As previously mentioned, Metrico takes place in a very unique world mate up of infographics, full of stats, figures, and charts which you must overcome in order to progress.
The prototype was the winner of the 2012 Indiepub “Best Design” propeller award, and the game was developed with the help of Sony’s Pub Fund.