In a nutshell: The ultimate Ninja hero comes to current and next gen platforms early on 2014.
Developed by the team who are making the upcoming Killer Instinct reboot, Strider will herald the return of Capcom’s badass ninja, Strider Hiryu, as a downloadable title for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC.
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Remaining true to its roots, Strider features the same hallmarks of fluid, lightning quick combat and ground-breaking free-flowing traversal that the series is known for and inspired many of today’s action titles. The new Strider game will build upon on the series’ hallmarks by endowing the player with a vastly expanded arsenal of moves and weapons to acquire and use, while slicing their way through a massive, interconnected world.
The year is Meio: 048, on an alternate dystopian future of Earth. The whole planet suffers under the oppressive, iron-fisted rule of the mysterious and omnipotent Grand Master Meio. An expert in sabotage and assassination, Hiryu is the youngest recruit in the Strider training program to attain a Special A-Class. He is the only man capable of achieving his mission to eliminate Grand Master Meio.
- Strider
- Strider
- Strider
- Strider
- Strider
- Strider
- Strider
- Strider
- Strider
- Strider
- Strider
- Strider
- Strider
[alert type=”blue”]Press release[/alert]
Shimbo Suzuki
I think that’s the best path for Capcom. I mean, remaking and recycling games works well for Nintendo so why not Capcom? Hey, Capcom! Here’s an idea: remake the entire Resident Evil series already! 🙂
How about rebooting the whole series? 🙂