Lars Gustavsson describes how the PS4 brings BF4 into the next-gen of gaming hardware.
Sony's official PS4 unboxing video showcasing what is going to be in the box.
Xbox’s Yusuf Mehdi has confirmed that Xbox One owners can earn achievements by watching television.
20-year Microsoft analyst Rick Sherlund says that the Xbox division generated $2 billion in losses.
Confirmed entertainment apps like Netflix and Hulu Plus for the launch of the PS4.
Popcap's Xbox One timed-exclusive Peggle 2 has been delayed to next month.
A season pass for the upcoming Xbox One exclusive Ryse: Son of Rome has been revealed.
Call of Duty: Ghosts' Next Gen resolution on PS4 and Xbox One has been confirmed.
Ryse: Son of Rome gets a live action commercial ahead for the Xbox One's release.
Extinction is a game mode featured in Call of Duty: Ghosts featuring four players fighting aliens in a post-apocalyptic world.
Details on the day one patch for the PS4.
The best place to play games is on Sony's upcoming PS4 console.
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